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Arranging Buttons In A Specific Order

The images or text links that make up your main page navigation menu can be arranged in a specific order. The order is relative to the placement of the menu.

If you are using buttons on either side of the page, the defined order is "top to bottom". If the buttons are on the top or bottom of the page, the defined order is from "right to left".

To set the order of the buttons
> Click "Page Properties"
> Click "Define Menu Button/Links Order"

You will find a list of the pages you have and the order they are currently listed. Select the Button you want in each position. If you select a button twice, only the first position will appear on the page. Any new pages added after the button order is selected will appear at the end of the order.

The number to the left of each image is the position it will appear in the order. Essentially your menu will look just like this one with the boxes replaced by your actual buttons.

Once you have set the order you want, simply click the "Set Updates" button and you have successfully updated the order of your buttons.

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